Join us live for Sabbath Study.  Broadcasting here on Friday evenings at 7:30 pm (Pacific).


Study Videos

  • Then Peter and the Other Apostles Answered and Said, We Ought To Obey God Rather Than Men

    Then Peter and the Other Apostles Answered and Said, We Ought To Obey God Rather Than Men You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Acts 3:1-26 // Acts 4:1-7 // Deuteronomy 13:1-4 // Isaiah 8:10-20 // Acts 4:7-37 // Acts 5:1-42

  • Peter, Standing Up With the Eleven, Lifted Up His Voice, and Said Unto Them

    Peter, Standing Up With the Eleven, Lifted Up His Voice, and Said Unto Them You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Acts 1:1-3 // Isaiah 28:9-13 // Matthew 13:10-15 // Acts 1:3-11 // Matthew 24:29-30 // Acts 1:12 // Zechariah 14:1-9 // Acts 1:12-26 // Acts 2:1-47

  • Touch Me Not; for I Am Not Yet Ascended to My Father

    Touch Me Not; for I Am Not Yet Ascended to My Father You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Luke 24:1 // Numbers 9:10-14 // Luke 24:1-24 // John 20:1-17 // Luke 23:39-43 // Deuteronomy 10:13-14 // John 20:17 // Matthew 12:38-40 // Jonah 1:13-17…

  • Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King?

    Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Luke 22:54-71 // Matthew 27:1-5 // 2 Samuel 15:12-31 // 2 Samuel 17:23 // Matthew 27:6-10 // John 18:28-40 // John 19:1-15 // Luke 23:39-43 //…

  • Now He That Betrayed Him Gave Them a Sign, Saying, Whomsoever I Shall Kiss, That Same Is He

    Now He That Betrayed Him Gave Them a Sign, Saying, Whomsoever I Shall Kiss, That Same Is He You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: John 17:1-5 // Isaiah 48:9-11 // Proverbs 8:22-36 // Isaiah 14:4-16 // Daniel 2:36-38 // Daniel 4:29-34 // John 17:1-20 // John 18:1-5 // Matthew 26:36-51…

  • He That Hath Seen Me Hath Seen the Father; and How Sayest Thou Then, Shew Us the Father?

    He That Hath Seen Me Hath Seen the Father; and How Sayest Thou Then, Shew Us the Father? You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: John 14:1-14 // Zechariah 12:6-10 // Isaiah 9:6-7 // Exodus 32:1-5 // John 14:14-30 // Daniel 8:9-12 // Luke 10:17-18 // Mark 7:20-23 // John 14:30-31…

  • Peter Saith Unto Him, Thou Shalt Never Wash My Feet

    Peter Saith Unto Him, Thou Shalt Never Wash My Feet You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Luke 22:1-22 // Exodus 24:8-11 // Genesis 31:44-54 // Luke 22:22-24 // John 13:1-10 // Deuteronomy 25:5-10 // Ruth 4:1-11 // Exodus 3:1-6 // Joshua 5:13-15…

  • He Shall Separate Them One From Another, as a Shepherd Divideth His Sheep From the Goats

    He Shall Separate Them One From Another, as a Shepherd Divideth His Sheep From the Goats You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Matthew 25:1-13 // Matthew 7:1-5 // Luke 10:38-42 // Matthew 25:13-31 // Exodus 3:1-2 // Ezekiel 37:1-19 // Exodus 4:1-2 // Ezekiel 34:10-17 // Ezekiel 20:33-38…

  • Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away, but My Words Shall Not Pass Away

    Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away, but My Words Shall Not Pass Away You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Matthew 24:32-35 // Matthew 5:17 // Jeremiah 31:31-32 // Exodus 23:1-2 // Matthew 5:18 // Matthew 24:35-37 // Job 22:15-23 // Matthew 24:38-51 // 1 Kings…

  • So Shall Also the Coming of the Son of Man Be

    So Shall Also the Coming of the Son of Man Be You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Matthew 24:23-27 // Zechariah 9:9-14 // Joel 3:1-10 // Daniel 8:1-23 // Luke 21:21-24 // Genesis 10:1-5 // Daniel 8:23-27 // Daniel 11:1-45 // Daniel 12:1-4…

  • When Shall These Things Be? And What Shall Be the Sign of Thy Coming, and of the End of the World?

    When Shall These Things Be? And What Shall Be the Sign of Thy Coming, and of the End of the World? You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: Matthew 24:1-2 // Mark 13:1-2 // Matthew 24:2-9 // Luke 21:10-15 // Matthew 24:9-14 // Isaiah 66:19-20 // Daniel 11:30-35 // Matthew 24:14-27 // Ezekiel 5:1-13…

  • When They Sought To Lay Hands on Him, They Feared the Multitude, Because They Took Him for a Prophet

    When They Sought To Lay Hands on Him, They Feared the Multitude, Because They Took Him for a Prophet You should never learn from anyone online that you cannot ask questions to directly. Please call/text us (775) 990-8565 or email at The reading for this Sabbath: John 12:1-15 // 1 Kings 1:28-34 // 1 Samuel 10:1-2 // Mark 11:1-8 // 1 Kings 6:25-30 // John 12:12-19 // Matthew 21:23-46 // Matthew 23:1-24…